Knowledge through Faith
The Academy implements the frameworks of the State of Pennsylvania Department of Education and the Common Core. These curriculum frameworks were developed recently by the most noted educators from the State of Pennsylvania in each of the seven basic subject areas. The frameworks are the first statewide guidelines for curriculum and instruction.
They are based on sound research and effective practice. They reflect a vision of how classrooms of the future can and should look like to assist all students to achieve high standards of excellence. These frameworks, or outlines of the basic subject’s curricula, are highly competitive.
Each student registered at school will be assigned a unique student identification (ID) number and an account on JupiterEd will be set-up to contain the child’s contact information, academic, health and behavioral records. Teachers will upload quiz, test and project scores in a timely manner to help provide immediate feedback on students’ understanding and mastery of taught concepts and skills. Parents can monitor their children's academic performance online through the JupiterEd grade portal.
Core Subjects
Mathematics is a key subject that allows students to discover and understand the patterns and logic that exist in our world. By learning fundamental principles and concepts, students acquire the tools to analyze and make sense of the structures found within mathematical systems.
Students are taught to be lifelong learners and they need the necessary skills to infer, analyze, and apply knowledge and experiences for a variety of purposes, audiences, and situations.
Social Studies promotes inquiry and independent thinking, and empowers students to become socially responsible participants in a diverse and democratic society.
Students develop an Islamic personality derived from the teachings of Quran and Seerah of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
If students are to come to know and own the questions of science and technology, they need to engage with them the way scientists and technologists do.
Learning more than one language opens doors to new ways of thinking and doing, believing and communicating, and through that process, students learn more about themselves. The World Language discipline is about communicating and making connections.
Class Size
The typical class size is 25 students. The small class size allows teachers to better attend the needs of each individual student.
Homework is an essential element of a student's educational progress at the Academy.
Report Cards
Report cards are issued at the end of each trimester to inform parents of their child’s academic progress and are posted online via our JupiterEd student portal.